How to Keep Your Skin Healthy and Glowing During Lockdown
As we all know, lockdown restrictions are forcing us into a new way of living, and all of us are having to find our new ‘normal’ in these confusing, and stressful times. Navigating in such unchartered waters is a tricky challenge, so I am here to impart some of my tips and knowledge to help your skin health stay on track!
It has always astonished me just how little appreciation is given to our face. In fact, most often, it is only in an effort to hold back the years, and keep our youthfulness for as long as possible, that we give it our attention! But now, Covid19 has given us an almost shocking awareness of just how much we touch our faces - making the vital connection between our skin, and our overall health even more apparent.
Society, advertising, and consumer-culture, have in many ways influenced us to focus most notably on the aesthetics of our face, meaning we are often drawn into promises of “magic”, solve-all-sins, “fountain of youth”- type products, that inevitably leave us disappointed and disheartened when we don’t get the immediate, outward results we were promised.
Personally, I have always placed more significance on the internal, nutritional health of the skin, seeing the face as an extension of the brain, and as such, I care for my skin with as much attention and value as I would any other part of my essential, internal health. Therefore, I believe that just as we should attribute great importance to our physical, and mental health, we also need to attribute the same to our skin health.
In my 30 years as a professional health and beauty therapist, I had searched and searched for a brand with products that focus on the importance of natural ingredients, centred around health and nutrition principles, that provide benefits which are much more than just skin-deep! Failing to do so, I decided to create my own. Taking inspiration from my grandmother, Isabella, I launched Isabella Skincare Collection with the mission to create products that were purely for the health of the skin.
At the moment, your skin will most likely be suffering from a lack of oxygen, vitamin D, and poor circulation- all of which are vital to giving the skin a healthy glow. So, for all you glow-getters out there, here are some key tips for keeping your skin healthy and glowing, during lockdown….
- Always wash your hands before you start cleansing your face (this has always been my recommendation)
- Use products that bring health benefits for both your skin and your mind
- Use products that treat the cause of your skin concerns, not the symptoms. If you’re unsure about your skin concerns and what products to use, head over to our Instagram page @isabellaskincarecollection_, and stay tuned for skincare Q and A’s, and further advice!
- Oils are best suited for the face, as microbes of the face love oil!
- Use products that contain vitamins, minerals and proteins
- Avoid products that contain Hyaluronic Acid. Unless you are using a mist spray continuously, hyaluronic acid is a humectant which will draw water from your skin internally if the surrounding is not dewy and moist
- Don’t use large amounts of products. Isabella has a moto of less is more!
- Use products with antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties
- Take time to massage the muscle and the skin of your face
- Sip water regularly
- Take vitamin D and omega 3 supplements (check with your GP to make sure they are okay for you)
- Practise deep breathing, mindfulness, and try to maintain positive thoughts as much as possible
- Give your face gentle touches- you are beautiful, and you must believe this to be true!
- Invest in good sleeping habits. Creating and sticking to a bedtime ritual that relaxes you, and gives you sufficient time to unwind from your long day, will not only help you sleep, but will have amazing benefits for your skin
- Stress is the most ageing of all for our skin and health, so remember to take it easy on yourself, taking time out of your day to enjoy doing something you love- whether that be sitting in the garden with your favourite book, calling a friend, or trying out a new recipe
Finally, above all else, use this time wisely- you will never get it back. Pause, reflect, and don’t use social media as a distraction. Gain wisdom not information.
Stay Beautiful,
Joan x